Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Gay Marriage DP/EP Analysis Outline

Due Process

  • Defining the Right
    • The Court has said to define the right at the most specific level of generality possible
      • Right to marry?
        • Tradition of protecting this
          • Loving v. Virginia
          • But the tradition mostly only contemplated conjugal marriage - Skinner
        • So strict scrutiny
      • Right to engage in homosexual activity?
        • No tradition of protecting this
        • So rational basis
      • Lawrence and emerging values
        • This would be helpful for proponents to argue because the public is beginning to recognize gay marriage as normal
        • Especially because the right to marry is a more general right than the right to gay marriage, which is more specific (Glucksberg)

  • State law to justify?
    • If rational basis
      • Needs to be legitimate state interest
        • Morality might not be a legit state interest - Lawrence
        • State's interest in procreation - that's a legitimate state interest
    • If strict scrutiny
      • Needs to be compelling state interest
        • Morality is not a compelling state interest - Lawrence
        • State's interest in procreation - but that's probably not compelling

Equal Protection

  • Can homosexuality be placed in an already existing category?
    • Race is no good
    • Gender is the best analogy, but it's not the same

  • Is homosexuality a suspect class?
    • Discrete and insular minority
      • Most likely yes
        • But there is some middle ground
        • It's possible to define the group as persons who want to marry a person of the same sex
          • The pregnancy discrimination thing from Geduldig - not discriminating against gays,  but discrimination against same sex couples, but that's a weak argument
    • Visible and Immutable
      • Visible? No
      • Immutable? No, though some people think it is
    • Historically been discriminated against
      • Anti-sodomy laws
      • Social discrimination
    • Relevance of the characteristic to distributions of government benefits and burdens
      • One of the state's biggest interests in marriage is its potential for procreation, which is physically impossible for homosexuals
      • Characteristic is probably relevant to this particular distinction

  • Court has said it's not a suspect class in Romer
    • And that they get rational basis but maybe with some teeth

  • Level of Scrutiny
    • Strict
      • Probably not because the characteristic is relevant to the distribution of government benefits and burdens
    • Intermediate
      • If anything, this is where it would belong
      • It has many characteristics of a suspect class, but doesn't rise to the level of when it would need strict scrutiny
    • Rational basis
      • This is where the Court has previously put homosexuality, but it has too many characteristics of a suspect class to get rational basis

  • Is marriage a fundamental right?
    • Loving and Zablocki
      • Both said marriage was a fundamental right, but both only contemplated conjugal marriage
    • If yes fundamental right
      • Strict scrutiny
    • If not fundamental right and no suspect class
      • Rational basis - was it reasonable? 


Frickin Constitutional Law

Preface: Due to the possibility of Honor Code violation, while I am writing this only a few hours after the Con Law exam, I am scheduling its publication for after all exams are finished.

So about a month ago, I'm talking to my buddy in Con Law about what might be on the exam.  He says that our professor always does some really topical issue.  Well, as everyone who has a TV, twitter, facebook, or life knows, the most topical legal issue right now is gay marriage. And I could tell by the questions people were asking at the review session that everyone thought that would be the subject of our big question.

It wasn't.

Professor H. even said: Due Process and Equal Protection are the two big issues. (We'd had a midterm discussing Justiciabilty, Commerce Power and Federalism, so none of those were on the exam.)

And he didn't test us on ANY OF IT.

My buddy in Con Law said he discussed EP in the discussion on Civil War Amendment Enforcement, but not very much of it.  I tried so hard to put it in there, but I couldn't get the issue to fit.

I thought gay marriage was going to be the subject of the exam so much, I made a supplemental outline for just that topic. I was so proud of that supplemental outline. I might post it here so all that work won't go completely to waste.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Apparenty the Westboro Baptist Church is coming to good ole' T-town at the end of this month

A sentence from my paper

How is a lawyer, District Court judge, or law student to conceptualize the injury requirement when something like the potential for global warming someday eroding beaches is a cognizable injury, but wanting to see animals in their natural habitat is not; it should not be lost on anyone why such normative standing requirements lead to disparate results when it is realized the first case was authored by Justice Stevens and the second by Justice Scalia.

How I'm going to be on Wednesday afternoon leaving town