Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Gay Marriage DP/EP Analysis Outline

Due Process

  • Defining the Right
    • The Court has said to define the right at the most specific level of generality possible
      • Right to marry?
        • Tradition of protecting this
          • Loving v. Virginia
          • But the tradition mostly only contemplated conjugal marriage - Skinner
        • So strict scrutiny
      • Right to engage in homosexual activity?
        • No tradition of protecting this
        • So rational basis
      • Lawrence and emerging values
        • This would be helpful for proponents to argue because the public is beginning to recognize gay marriage as normal
        • Especially because the right to marry is a more general right than the right to gay marriage, which is more specific (Glucksberg)

  • State law to justify?
    • If rational basis
      • Needs to be legitimate state interest
        • Morality might not be a legit state interest - Lawrence
        • State's interest in procreation - that's a legitimate state interest
    • If strict scrutiny
      • Needs to be compelling state interest
        • Morality is not a compelling state interest - Lawrence
        • State's interest in procreation - but that's probably not compelling

Equal Protection

  • Can homosexuality be placed in an already existing category?
    • Race is no good
    • Gender is the best analogy, but it's not the same

  • Is homosexuality a suspect class?
    • Discrete and insular minority
      • Most likely yes
        • But there is some middle ground
        • It's possible to define the group as persons who want to marry a person of the same sex
          • The pregnancy discrimination thing from Geduldig - not discriminating against gays,  but discrimination against same sex couples, but that's a weak argument
    • Visible and Immutable
      • Visible? No
      • Immutable? No, though some people think it is
    • Historically been discriminated against
      • Anti-sodomy laws
      • Social discrimination
    • Relevance of the characteristic to distributions of government benefits and burdens
      • One of the state's biggest interests in marriage is its potential for procreation, which is physically impossible for homosexuals
      • Characteristic is probably relevant to this particular distinction

  • Court has said it's not a suspect class in Romer
    • And that they get rational basis but maybe with some teeth

  • Level of Scrutiny
    • Strict
      • Probably not because the characteristic is relevant to the distribution of government benefits and burdens
    • Intermediate
      • If anything, this is where it would belong
      • It has many characteristics of a suspect class, but doesn't rise to the level of when it would need strict scrutiny
    • Rational basis
      • This is where the Court has previously put homosexuality, but it has too many characteristics of a suspect class to get rational basis

  • Is marriage a fundamental right?
    • Loving and Zablocki
      • Both said marriage was a fundamental right, but both only contemplated conjugal marriage
    • If yes fundamental right
      • Strict scrutiny
    • If not fundamental right and no suspect class
      • Rational basis - was it reasonable? 


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